Volume 1, Issue 4 (3-2019)                   2019, 1(4): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

Ethics code: Ir.Medilam.Rec.1396.149

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Azadi A, Rezaei N. andropause and it is relation with quality of life in the men over 40 in health center of ilam 2018. Journal title 2019; 1 (4)
URL: http://newresearch.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-338-en.html
Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Ilam University of Medical sciences, Ilam, Iran
Abstract:   (5865 Views)
Aging is associated with the occurrence or exacerbation of some diseases (1-7). Decreased Sexual Hormone Binding Golobulin (SHBG) levels following chronic illness are among the concerns of older men. Testosterone is an important factor in stimulating multiple functions of body systems in men. Testosterone levels in half of healthy men aged 50-70 years are lower than testosterone levels in healthy men in the age group of 20 to 40 years. 11).
Testosterone is the most important androgen in the blood (8). Aging, hereditary factors, obesity, nutrition, stress, depression, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney failure, chronic liver disease, sleep apnea syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, taking certain medications including glucocorticoids, smoking and alcohol. All of these are factors that are associated with a dramatic decrease in blood testosterone (8, 16).
The age-related decrease in plasma testosterone is called andropause. Andropause is a complex process in men's lives, the symptoms of which are usually obvious in middle age and later (9) (8). Andropause is associated with severe physiological and psychological changes that over a long period of time can have a significant impact on the silent disease cycle (10).
Symptoms and problems related to this period initially start quietly and do not have a clear clinical picture such as monoposis (9), decreased interest or competition in work, pain in muscles and joints, decreased memory and in some cases Alzheimer's, decreased level Adaptation to others, Decreased mental capacity, Decreased muscle mass, Depression, Shortness of breath when needing more breathing, Murmuring and numbness in fingers, Constipation, hallucinations, Lack of interest in exercise, Sleep disturbance, Flushing especially in area Head and chest, Prostate inflammation, Reversible ejaculation, Gynecomastia (breast enlargement), Negative mood, Hemorrhoids, Anger and irritability, Baldness, Dry eyes, Shorter height, Reduction of armpit and pubic hair, Anxiety, Speed ​​up Osteoporosis, recurrent stress incontinence, and impaired physical function are among the complications of decreased testosterone and andropause (10, 11). Decreased libido, decreased erections, decreased endurance and physical ability, confusion in appearance and clothing (due to depression and lack of desire for sexual attractiveness), shrinkage and loosening and drying of the apex of the penis, weakening of hair pigments and finally Insulting others in stressful situations and inability to control behavior in cases of anger are among the most important complications of andropause (10).
Since the incidence of heart disease and diabetes in Asian men is one of the factors affecting the reduction of quality of life and sexual function (3), having physical, mental, sexual, social and emotional health will affect the quality of life. Quality of life is considered as a valuable factor in assessing the health of people after contracting diseases in middle age (12).
Poor quality of life can affect family relationships by using coping mechanisms and ineffective adjustment in individuals, which ultimately leads to increased stress in them (13).
Sexual function is also one of the important aspects of life (17, 18) and its reduction in andropause can affect the physical, mental and emotional dimensions of quality of life. In 2008, the results of a review study conducted by Low to determine the relationship between ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and quality of life in Asian men (15) showed that the incidence of heart disease and diabetes in Asian men, as well as men in Western countries, Factors affecting the quality of life and sexual function. A review of studies showed that the mean score of quality of life in both mental health and physical health of men with sexual dysfunction significantly decreased compared to men without reporting this disorder (55.88-51.13 vs. 45.25-32.43) (3).
The results of a review study showed that with increasing age and andropause, male sexual function also decreases (15). The components of sexual function in men include: sexual desire, erection and ejaculation, which disorder in any of the above components causes this dysfunction in men (15, 19). The results of some studies show that with increasing age, sexual desire decreases so that male libido disorder increases from 1.3% to 25.7% and erectile dysfunction from 1% to 39% in men aged 40 to 79 years, respectively (20) .
The results of studies conducted by Zeighami and Poor Tahmatan show that there is an inverse relationship between quality of life (22) and age (22) with quality of life, respectively.
Due to the coincidence of the symptoms of andropause with menopause in women and the increased risk of sexual problems in couples, attention to andropause is of particular importance due to its effects on other aspects of couples' lives and its relationship with quality of life (23-25). .
According to the Statistics Center of Iran, 25.1% of the total population of the country is in the age group of 25-40 years (14), which in the next 20 years will be in the middle age group of the country, as a result, lack of timely diagnosis And the progression of the disease has caused the relevant diseases to be either incurable or, if treated, to be associated with disability and ultimately a severe decline in the quality of life of middle-aged men (12, 15).
On the other hand, due to the fact that Ilam is one of the cities with less quality of life indicators in Iran and is relatively low in economic terms, and in the coming years these young people will reach middle age, which if not available
: Cross sectional | Subject: General
Received: 2018/04/4 | Accepted: 2018/04/18 | Published: 2019/04/7

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