Volume 1403, Issue 2 (8-2024)                   2024, 1403(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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piri M, Azami S. The Study of Frequency and Effective Factors on Maternal Mortality in Ilam Province during 2011-2021. Journal title 2024; 1403 (2)
URL: http://newresearch.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1878-en.html
School of Health
Abstract:   (192 Views)
Death of the mother during pregnancy or during childbirth and up to 42 days after termination of pregnancy (regardless of length and location of pregnancy) for any reason, which is exacerbated by pregnancy or related to obstetric medical procedures in pregnancy, except accidents Maternal mortality is said to be 1), 2 (which is one of the most important indicators of development of any society, because on the one hand it shows the impact of pregnancy care and on the other hand it reflects the economic and social situation of each society. Indicates women's literacy status, access to emergency obstetrics and childbirth, health care costs, communication networks, and family income levels (3). 200 are now alive and in developed countries 20 per 100,000 live births because in developed countries women's access to services needed during pregnancy and the improvement of these services has made maternal death a rare phenomenon, while the incidence of complications during pregnancy and childbirth In developing countries it often leads to maternal death (4) and is estimated worldwide, in each One woman per day and 1600 women die every day due to pregnancy complications, which Asian countries have a moderate situation with a mortality rate of 30 per 100,000 live births compared to other countries (2). Importance of maternal mortality and as part of the Sustainable Development Goals, the global maternal mortality rate should be reduced by two-thirds by 2030 (289,000 cases) by 2010 (11.4). In 2017, according to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 16 people per 100,000 live births were reported, and the reduction of maternal mortality in Iran by 2020 to less than 15 cases per 100,000 live births, as one of the important goals in the Sixth Development Plan. (Given that the death of a mother is not the death of one person, but the death and disability of the family and society, so that if the mother dies, the probability of death of the child by five years of age is two to three times) 2 Due to the great importance of the maternal mortality index in Iran and the country's commitment to reduce it, the maternal mortality monitoring system in Iran has been developed and a ministerial instruction has been issued to implement it. All medical universities in the country are required to do so. In this regard, cases of maternal death are reported to the relevant deputy of health and maternal health department of the relevant university as soon as possible. After receiving the report, the Provincial Committee for Maternal Death, while examining the cause of death and confirming it, identifies the avoidable causes of death and provides the necessary feedback in order to provide practical solutions to prevent similar deaths; The confirmed death of the mother is also reported to the Health Department of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Finally, the National Committee for the Investigation of Maternal Death, after review, confirms and registers the reported case as the case of maternal death (12). This study aims to determine the frequency and factors affecting the mortality rate of pregnant mothers in Ilam province and considering that maternal death is a preventable death and recognizing the factors affecting maternal mortality can reduce the mortality rate Affects
: Cross sectional |
Received: 2022/04/27 | Accepted: 2022/07/20 | Published: 2023/02/27

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