Volume 1402, Issue 3 (10-2023)                   2023, 1402(3): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Pakzad R, Kakaei H, Jalilian M, Pakzad I, Ahmadzadeh K. The evaluation the relationship between economic inequalities and decomposition of it in the Self rated health in Ilam using the Oaxaca Blinder in 2021. Journal title 2023; 1402 (3)
URL: http://newresearch.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1930-en.html
Ilam University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (818 Views)
Self-rated health is an important and practical indicator in health research. Health outcomes can be predicted. Self-reported health is one of the common and scientific indicators of health measurement to monitor changes and measure the overall health of different populations. In other words, the person mentally assesses their health. The health of self-expression has been measured in many countries, and in those studies, attempts have been made to determine the impact of the factors involved and the impact of these factors on each other. Hence, many studies indicate the influence of factors such as demographic status of people (age, sex, race, religion), socio-economic, lifestyle, culture, education and literacy level in personal perception of health status of individuals. On the other hand, various studies have shown that self-reported health is affected by factors such as social, economic, psychological, environmental, lifestyle, cultural, family history, demographic and clinical indicators. As one of the developing countries, Iran is in an acceptable situation in terms of health and public health. However, it is still far from global standards and requires the design and development of research and root-finding infrastructure to identify health-damaging factors (both physical and mental). Studies on socio-economic inequality have shown that the lower the socio-economic status, the lower the self-reported health score of the people in the study. Comparisons of economic inequality show that people look to others to judge their position in important dimensions, especially when there are no objective standards. Interest in studying the relationship between economic status and self-health has increased. However, there is conflicting evidence for this relationship. Limited studies have been performed on self-expression in Iran and its relationship with demographic and socio-economic variables has been determined. Ilam province is more prone to stress and anxiety due to special geographical conditions and lack of some welfare and development facilities, high unemployment and complications caused by the imposed war, which will lead to a high prevalence of mental disorders and reduced quality of life. On the other hand, the lack of development of the province and the lack of facilities have led to many people not having acceptable access to health services, all of which will reduce the quality of life and, consequently, health. Despite extensive search, so far, no study has been conducted to determine the relationship between socio-economic status and self-expression in this province. Therefore, we decided to conduct a study to investigate the relationship between socio-economic status and self-expression in the general population of Ilam and the factors affecting it.
This cross-sectional and population-based study will be conducted in 10 comprehensive health service centers in Ilam in 1400. First, the population of all areas of Ilam city will be provided separately for 10 comprehensive main health service centers of the city. Then, using the number of people in different areas, all members of the community will be considered, and using the share of each area of ​​Ilam urban community, we will select 1,500 people. A standard questionnaire is used to collect demographic information. Then, your self-reported health questionnaire will be used. To measure the economic status of individuals, household asset data will be collected and then constructed using the analysis of the principal components of the wealth variable. People will then be divided into three groups: poor, middle and rich. Then, with the Oaxaca-Blinder analysis method, economic inequality in their health will be measured and with this method, this inequality will be broken down into effective factors. Also, Stata software will be used for analysis.
: Cross sectional | Subject: General
Received: 2022/06/16 | Accepted: 2022/12/24 | Published: 2023/10/2

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