Volume 1402, Issue 1 (5-2023)                   2023, 1402(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Otaghi M, Mozafari M, Veisani Y, Taher A. Investigating the relationship between moral intelligence, moral reasoning and clinical competence of nurses in teaching hospitals in Ilam in 2021. Journal title 2023; 1402 (1)
URL: http://newresearch.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1625-en.html
Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Ilam University of Medical sciences, Ilam, Iran
Abstract:   (1126 Views)
Persian Abstract:
Nurses, as the largest and most comprehensive health care providers, make up 70% of the healthcare group. Today, nursing is moving towards professionalism, and one of the most important pillars of the nursing profession is the ethical issues that need to be addressed. In fact, the ultimate and main goal of the nursing profession is to ensure the well-being of human beings, and this can only be achieved through scientific and ethical care, proper communication with the client and colleagues.
Ethics is a criterion for measuring right and wrong behavior. Nurseschr('39') moral performance plays an important role in relation to the quality of care provided, improving patients and achieving health goals, so paying attention to the dimension of moral intelligence in nurses as an ethical guide for their performance is of particular importance. Moral intelligence means distinguishing right from wrong and has the dimensions of honesty, responsibility, compassion and forgiveness.
On the other hand, with the advancement of science and technology, patient care has become more complex, so nurses face many moral problems and challenges, such as starting heart resuscitation and ending supportive care and refusing treatment by patients. For this reason, they must resolve the conflict between their values, profession and patientschr('39') values ​​by making appropriate decisions. But the evidence suggests that most nurses play a lesser role in the decision-making process, which may be due to a lack of ethical reasoning. Ethical reasoning is the judgments that people use to determine the rightness or wrongness of a subject. In other words, moral reasoning is the ability of a person to choose a solution from several solutions to deal with a moral dilemma and to provide a suitable reason according to the knowledge and conscience of the individual.
Recently, nursing has been introduced as care, compassion, competence, communication, courage, bravery and commitment. Clinical competence is the essence of the nursing profession and a combination of technical and communication skills, knowledge, attitudes, values ​​and abilities that underlie effective and superior performance at the level of a clinical situation.
Considering the importance of ethical issues in nursing care, it can be said that attention, accuracy and observance of ethical issues lead to better and more principled care for patients and improve nursing services. Since the clinical competence of employed nurses is considered as the main concern of their care systems and their main focus, it is one of the areas in need of improvement. On the other hand, nurses with moral intelligence and proper moral performance can guarantee their position and position by healthy and optimizing the performance of hospitals and act effectively in communicating with other colleagues and patients. Therefore, according to what has been said, in this study, the relationship between moral intelligence, moral reasoning and clinical competence of nurses is investigated.

Received: 2021/09/16 | Accepted: 2021/10/2 | Published: 2023/05/31

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