Volume 1403, Issue 1 (5-2024)                   2024, 1403(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Adiban M, abbasi M. Evaluation Of Heavy Metals Levels (Mercury, Zinc, Arsenic, Lead and Cobalt) In Drinking Water Distribution System and Water Resources In The Ilam City Of 2014. Journal title 2024; 1403 (1)
URL: http://newresearch.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-2357-en.html
Department of Environmental Health, School of Health, Ilam University of Medical sciences, Ilam, Iran
Abstract:   (1081 Views)
Protecting the environment in which today's generation and future generations must have a growing social life is a universal duty. Today, considering that the growth of the population has resulted in the pollution of water resources, therefore, it is necessary to consider various types of water systems. We should have enough information about polluting sources, pollution effects, pollution disposal methods and pollution prevention methods.
Considering the limited water resources in most parts of the country, as well as the increasing population growth on the one hand and the expansion of agricultural industries on the other hand, it seems necessary to use the available resources properly. Today, the performance of water managers, in addition to providing water quantity, is also evaluated by the public based on quality indicators. Also, in most cities of the country, especially in Ilam city, due to the lack of underground water sources, surface water sources behind the dam are used to supply drinking water, and because there are usually polluting sources and industrial industries in the catchment area of the dams, therefore, the entry of heavy metals into the water of the mentioned sources is inevitable. On the other hand, the wear and tear of the drinking water distribution network in the villages and numerous breaks (the entry of pollution into the distribution network as a result of the reverse siphon phenomenon) and in some cases the entry of heavy metals into the water distribution network, cause concern in the field of disease transmission. Among the things that may enter the environment, we can mention all kinds of toxic metals. Humans are permanently and temporarily exposed to 35 toxic metals, of which 23 are heavy metals. These metals are naturally present in small amounts in the food environment and are necessary for the health of the body. But as a result of pollution caused by human activities, their concentration in the environment has increased, and as a result, after entering the human food chain, they cause acute and chronic toxic effects on the body.
One of the most basic issues and problems of heavy metals is their non-metabolism in the body. In general, neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, depression, and schizophrenia), types of cancer, nutrient deficiency, hormone imbalance, obesity, abortion, respiratory, cardiovascular, liver, kidney, and brain damage, anorexia Arthritis, hair loss, osteoporosis and in severe cases death are the results of the effects of heavy metals entering the human body.
Considering that the drinking water of Ilam city is supplied from different sources. Meanwhile, considering that 70% of the drinking water of Ilam city is supplied from the water behind this dam, therefore the water of Cham Gardlan dam is more important. Therefore, in this research, an attempt is made to investigate the chemical quality of drinking water sources in Ilam city in terms of the presence of heavy metals (mercury, zinc, arsenic, lead and cobalt).

Received: 2014/10/20 | Accepted: 2014/12/20 | Published: 2021/04/9

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