Volume 1403, Issue 2 (8-2024)                   2024, 1403(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Taghinejad H, Nazari H, Sayehmiri K, naghib zadeh S M. Title: The effect of empowerment on the level of participation in care and anxiety at the time of discharge of mothers of infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit in Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital in Ilam in 2021.. Journal title 2024; 1403 (2)
URL: http://newresearch.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1503-en.html
Abstract:   (154 Views)
This quasi-experimental study will be performed on mothers whose infants are admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Taleghani Hospital in Ilam after obtaining permission from the Deputy Minister of Education and Research. And the number of 82 people (based on the volume formula and sample) who meet the inclusion criteria will be determined. Mothers who meet the inclusion criteria will be selected by the available method and will be divided into two groups by random block method and then lottery. Then the researcher will explain the procedure and written consent will be obtained from the mothers.
   Data collection tools include a demographic questionnaire for mothers and infants and a checklist for mothers with infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and a standard Spielberger anxiety questionnaire to assess maternal anxiety before intervention and after discharge. After obtaining written consent, the researcher completes the demographic questionnaire of mothers and infants by asking questions of mothers and reviewing the medical records of infants. Anxiety questionnaire is then provided to them, as well as a checklist of mothers 'participation to determine the extent of mothers' participation in caring for their baby before the intervention and also the development of an educational program based on educational needs by mothers is completed. The educational content is prepared based on the priorities required by mothers and using the available reliable sources and similar studies and after validation is valid by 10 faculty members (pediatricians and faculty members of the School of Nursing and Midwifery) will be used. Took.
 From the second day of the infant's admission for the face-to-face education group, the mothers' empowerment program is presented face to face at the infant's bed, in 3 sessions for 1 hour for 3 consecutive days during the study period, as well as an educational booklet containing all the content. Educational with pictures is attractive for further study and for the virtual education group, the empowerment program is in the form of a multimedia educational video similar to the content of the electronic training booklet (WhatsApp, Telegram, Soroush and other internal virtual networks) for 3 sessions. It will be sent to mothers at certain times of the day when it has already been notified. They are also asked to provide appropriate feedback if they receive and view educational content online. The training continues on the third and fourth days, and on the fifth and sixth days, the mothers' participation checklist is completed again. Anxiety questionnaire is also completed by mothers at the time of discharge. Questionnaire forms before and after the study of data using statistical methods, descriptive statistics (frequency, mean) and inferential statistics (chi-square, independent t-test, paired t-test), ks and analysis of covariance by SPSS software version 26 Will be analyzed.

Received: 2021/06/3 | Accepted: 2021/09/18 | Published: 2024/08/31

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